I've successfully made it to India. Everyone so far has been amazingly nice to us, a refreshing change from Egypt. We live in a very rural area and have to pay for internet so I'm going to make this brief. I'll post about both the end of Egypt and India when I have time but it might not be until Hong Kong. Oh well it will give everyone a break from my long-winded post.
I'd like to thank everyone for the birthday wishes, I had a really special time in Mumbai. Imagine my surprise when, at the club we were at, I was served a giant chocolate cake with my name (and Sarah and Yelena's names too, how likely is it that three people have birthdays over two days on this trip?) on it. The Indian students who we had met and had taken us out with them had gone to a local bakery they knew and gotten us the cake! It was pretty awesome.
Unfortunately that's all I have time for. Bye for a while.
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